so who are we?

In February 2023, we (the Inkspiration ladies) started a workshop called Writing with the Soul during Round 5. Hosted by author Adrienne Young over the course of four weeks, we learned about connecting with our stories on a deeper level. We also learned the value in forming a writing community. Even after the workshop ended, Heather, Leila, Olivia, Mia, and others from the workshop further strengthened their bond through writing sprints and daily chats.

We took it a step further to meet eighteen people for the first time in a secluded, foggy mansion with shoddy internet connection for an entire week in Asheville, North Carolina. Fortunately, it didn’t end up as a horror novel. The Inkspiration ladies sat around the dining room’s round table everyday for the week, chipping away at our stories. Some of us were finishing our first books, others their seventh. No matter our experience, we urged each other forward, silently and outwardly (cheers were exclaimed when word count goals were hit).

After tearful goodbyes following the retreat, we bounced back and forth through a group chat missing the connection we felt in person. One day, Heather sent a message, “We should start a podcast! You know, in like two years.” “Why not right now?” Olivia shot back. The idea was thrilling. We should start a podcast. Our conversations about writing are pretty interesting (if we do say so ourselves). However, would it be one of those propositions thrown out there and forgotten?

Nope. The more we noodled on a podcast, the more excited we became. The topics we could cover! The creatives’ brains we could pick! The larger community we could reach! Thus, here we are. May 2024. A start of a new journey. We hope you’ll join us.

Meet the Team